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Books by Jeffrey Travis:

Internet Applications in LabVIEW

LabVIEW For Everyone

Books by Jeffrey Travis

Hi. I have two published books and one published course, related to Internet technologies and LabVIEW.

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Internet Applications in LabVIEW
Prentice-Hall. ISBN #0130141445
Internet Applications in LabVIEW is my latest book. This book serves as a "how-to" guide on creating Internet-enabled virtual instrumentation, as well as being a valuable reference on all the major Internet technologies that can be used with LabVIEW: HTTP, HTML, DataSocket, VI Server, CGI, Java, ActiveX, network security, and more. The accompanying CD has source code, application software, and ready-to-run examples. More info, updates...
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Need more than just this book? Take the course!

NEW! LabVIEW Internet Applications Course, a highly-acclaimed, hands-on 3-day class based on this book, will get you jump-started in Internet-enabling your instrumentation systems. More info, schedule...


LabVIEW For Everyone, 2nd ed.
Prentice-Hall. ISBN #013065096X
LabVIEW For Everyone. This is the classic introduction to learning LabVIEW, now completely updated and expanded in its second edition. If you are a beginner or intermediate LabVIEW user, this friendly yet effective book will help you master LabVIEW basics in no time. With numerous hands-on activities, a light-hearted approach, and a CD with example code, thousands of people worldwide have used LabVIEW for Everyone as their textbook of choice. More info...
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